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DeskGame App Download Instructions for Android

Step 1: Install from unknown sources

Go to Settings on your phone.

Select "Security" or "Security & Privacy."

Enable Unknown Sources to install apps from outside the Google Play Store.

Step 2: Download the APK file

Open your browser and visit DeskGame’s official website

Find the "Download App" or "Download App" section and click on the link to download the APK file at download app DeskGame.

Step 3: Install the app

After downloading, click the APK file to start the installation.

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

iOS version DeskGame App download instructions

Step 1: Visit the DeskGame website

Open the browser on your iPhone or iPad and visit the official website to download app DeskGame.

Step 2: Download the DeskGame App

Find the "Download App" or "Download App" section.

If the app is available on the App Store, click "Download DeskGame App" and follow the instructions.

Step 3: Install the app

If downloading from the website, follow the instructions in Download the App DeskGame to install the app on your device.