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DeskGame App Download Instructions for Android
Step 1: Install from unknown sources
Go to Settings on your phone.
Select "Security" or "Security & Privacy."
Enable Unknown Sources to install apps from outside the Google Play Store.
Step 2: Download the APK file
Open your browser and visit DeskGame’s official website https://teachingis.com/.
Find the "Download App" or "Download App" section and click on the link to download the APK file at download app DeskGame.
Step 3: Install the app
After downloading, click the APK file to start the installation.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
iOS version DeskGame App download instructions
Step 1: Visit the DeskGame website
Open the browser on your iPhone or iPad and visit the official website to download app DeskGame.
Step 2: Download the DeskGame App
Find the "Download App" or "Download App" section.
If the app is available on the App Store, click "Download DeskGame App" and follow the instructions.
Step 3: Install the app
If downloading from the website, follow the instructions in Download the App DeskGame to install the app on your device.